Sunday, March 21, 2010

Perhaps I am an old soul, but I cannot help but see the alleged Health Care Reform as an assault on freedom and the very concepts of what the United States of America was founded on.

I sat in my car with a friend of mine earlier this week yelling at each other; his assertion was that all Republicans want is to kill people and all we care about is money.

As easy it is to paint Republicans as money hungry robber barons, who would kill our young if it meant that we could earn an extra dollar, my personal resistance is not hinged on the question of health care at all, but a question about the role of government in our lives.

Selfishly, the concept of some sort of legislation that would help me reduce my costs and insure my family against some personal loss as a result of some future illness is minimally enticing. The concept that such a bill would save lives is romantic as well, and as a matter of fact if you accept the assertions of President Obama and the leftist Democrats at face value, there is no harm, and only good to come from this bill.

I challenge anyone, please provide me one example where government has forwarded any program that is compassionate, equitable and cost effective. Social Security? Medicare? Take some time, and you shouldn’t require much, do some research and you will find that these programs which were peddled as similar saviors of our country, and now part of the very drag that is pulling this country under. When you get your eyes off of the allure of free money, and understand the underpinnings of our society, understand the basics of economics and the very concept of freedom, one cannot help to see that these programs are nothing more than frauds perpetrated upon us.

This bill is no different. We are crossing lines and violating the very tenets of the foundation of our country.

Aught we do nothing? No, but this bill will not improve anything, and in fact is on behalf of the Democrats willfully flawed. This is not the end of the country, but a beginning. Not because things will get better, but because we will all be forced to take a look in the mirror and either stand up for freedom, or step aside and be rolled over by the crush of tyranny.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mike Shorten. Write-In Candidate for Illinois Governor

With the general election only a little more than a week away we are faced with an all too familiar choice when we step into the voting booth to cast our vote for Illinois Governor, which of the candidates is the lesser of the two evils?
If you are troubled by that choice, I'd like to present to you a third choice; cast your vote for me, Mike Shorten, as Illinois Governor on November 7th!

Why would you do that, you ask? Good Question! Here's my quick pitch:

  • I'll provide a 'fresh look' viewpoint that is missing from within the high levels of government.
  • I'll try to be available to you as much as possible to hear your ideas thoughts and opinions.
  • I'll work to return the government to the people of this state.
  • You won't have to worry about me beholden to anyone, as I am not accepting contributions for this campaign.
  • I'm not sure if taxes will rise or fall, but I will do everything that I can to reduce the burden of taxation on all households.
  • If I do a really bad job, you can go ahead and elect the lesser of two evils back into office in four more years.

Would you like to find out more about me? Please visit my website at to read up and sign up so I can reach you more effectively as we get closer to the election.
I'll need at least 1.2 million votes to win so I need to reach as many people as possible in a short amount of time, so whether or not you support me in this election, I would ask that you forward this e-mail to friends and family so that if they are as frustrated as most people, they will know that there is an option. Have any questions or comments, e-mail me at or leave me a message at 815-301-1962; I'll try to respond personally, but that will depend on how many messages I get.

Thanks for your consideration

Mike Shorten
Crystal Lake, IL